Ezekiel 33:1-34:31
The whole sheep discourse made me realize just how much of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel that Jesus used and taught. The Good Shepherd is a direct reference to this passage in 34 and should be read before any teaching on The Good Shepherd of Jesus. As a matter of fact, I am teaching Sunday School this Sunday. I think I will use this....
Hebrews 13:1-25
This part of scripture contains the verse 'Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained strangers'.
This is one of the key verses that Dorothy Day used to transform her life. She is now up for canonization from the Roman Catholic Church.
She certainly made her mark in creating 'houses of hospitality' for the poor and indigent in large cities. Later, her crusade for pacifism and her socialist/communist bent earned her criticsm but she never relented in the work for peace and justice for all especially the lower classes.
In our day, we are taught to fear strangers. I would no more bring someone home with me to dinner than I would invite Martha Stewart. It just isn't done. And if you listen to the radio, with good reason.
That led me to think about ways that I DO entertain strangers and I have to grant -- there aren't many. So, this is clearly an area that I need to work on and pronto!
What about you?
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