An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Friday, September 7, 2012

September 8

OT -- Isaiah
My favorite, favorite, favorite teacher of Bible is Walter Brueggemann. He is professor emeritus at Columbia Seminary and one of the highlights of my life was taking Bible from him as a lay person. Just to brag on myself -- I got an A in the course! It actually changed the way I study the Bible, much more in depth and with a view to the 'back story' (I think that is the first time I heard that phrase) rather than just to say 'oh, I read that in the Bible so now I know it'.

And a radio show that saved my sanity, On Being, had Walter on talking about Isaiah. It is a long video, almost an hour. But you will learn so very much and be so entertained. Please go get a cup of coffee and a muffin and sit back and listen to Walter and Krista Tippett discuss the prophets with an eye to Isaiah and Jeremiah in specific.

Click here.

NT -- 2 Corinthians 10:1-18
I cannot tell if Paul is making fun of the Corinthians or if they simply were overwhelming when he got there. Nowhere else in scripture do people refer to Paul as 'timid'. As a matter of fact, just the opposite is noted.
But in this passage, he is really driving home to them how far they have strayed from when he was there earlier. The Corinthians didn't come up with the money as expected, they were arguing amongst themselves about right and wrong, they were not taking care of each other and were being greedy at the food time. Clearly, he was disappointed. And since he was bringing guests, he wanted the Corinthians to straighten up and get going before he got there.
I think this is a little like being saved at Camp Meeting or Youth Group Camp at Montreat. It is so wonderful, everyone is just like you, you are all in the Spirit. But then, when you go back to your 'real life', it is hard to stay focused.

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