An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 27

NT -- Ephesians 5:1-33
I told you there would be washing. But I am not touching this section of scripture with a ten foot pole.
Want to try? Comment, email me, facebook me. And let me know if you want it posted.

Psalm 69
I really love this psalm. I am glad that the editors of Bible in a Year broke it into 2 pieces because I really spent the day wallowing in the psalmist grief and despair. You know it is bad when he says " Those who sit at the gate mock me, and I am the song of drunkards ... rescue me from the mire, do not let me sink; deliver me from those who hate me, from the deep waters." vs 12..14

The song of drunkards.
Now, that is bad. I spent a little bit of time in my teen years in British pubs. Lots of drunkards and they sing lots of songs. None of them are nice and none of them are ones I want my mama to have heard. I guess the question is (especially after reading Paul's admonition above to avoid wine and debauchery) what was I doing there?

And even though the day was beautiful and I was outside in it for most of the day, I still felt kind of low. Wallowing.
Today's scripture:
"I looked for sympathy but there was none." vs 20

We all feel this way at times. When I was little, I would go crawl up on my parents bed and burrow down into the millions of pillows my mom has up there. And they all smelt of her and I was comforted.
At 49, it is a little hard to explain why you want to jump in the car and wave to the parentals as they watch a ball game as you dash upstairs to mess up their bed.
But that got me thinking -- we need our comforter, our binky, our nice smells that remind us that yes, eventually everything will get better. Maybe not fixed, but better.
The psalmist thinks that it will get better if his enemies are blotted out and their eyes blinded. Sound harsh? Well, when someone is making fun of you or mocking you or worse yet, making your life miserable, YOU want bad things to happen.

The psalmist makes an abrupt turn in vs. 30. It makes me think that there are verses missing because he went straight from pain and distress into praising.

So, what do you do to pull yourself out of the mire?

Blessings to you.

1 comment:

  1. I pull myself out by making a cup of hot tea when it is a cool or pouring a nicely chilled white wine when it is warmer and then going and sitting out on my porch, stare at the trees and listen to the birds. Sets me right most every time. Oh and I call my Mom!
