OT -- Ecclesiastes 10:1-12:14
So, we come to the end of Ecclesiastes and no, the Teacher has not found meaning. Several of the Biblical commentaries make the case that the Teacher is saying 'without God, life is meaningless.'
Sorry, that I don't buy. Look at 12:1-5. Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, "I find no pleasure in them", ....Then man goes to his eternal home and mourners go about the streets.
For me, the value of Ecclesiastes is that the Teacher DOES find life meaningless.
Haven't you? If not, you, then your spouse or your parents? Life is really harsh sometimes and can kick you in the teeth. It is NATURAL to say "why me, Lord" or "Kiss my you-know-what, Lord".
If I told you how many, many times I had thought, this just isn't worth it, what on earth am I going to all this trouble. And I know I am not alone in this sentiment. And if YOU feel that way now or have in the past, YOU should know that YOU aren't alone.
THAT is what gives Ecclesiastes value to me. It seems to me that there is no emotion, no problem, no awfulness that God's people haven't waded through. And sometimes, they did not come out on the winning end. And we won't either.
BUT, if you want another view of Ecclesiastes, here is one.
Today, depression, tomorrow Pornography. Yep, The Bible has it all.
NT -- 2 Corinthians 8:1-15
I have a really good friend who is Mr. Capital Fund. The man can solicit some money. Every major and minor fund campaign at my church has either had him as the chair or used his extensive talents to solicit. He is uber hard to turn down.
I imagine that Paul was as well. Listen to 8:10-11:
"And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so. Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means."
In other words, you got all hyped up about sending to Jerusalem and pledged a big ole fat amount. Now, cough it up and let me get moving with the money.
Some years, the pledge and the finish of the pledge are easily done. Other years, it is hard for me to finish up. But having that pledge hanging over my head (and this is why it is good for me), makes me finish what I started.
Budget season is almost upon the McAdam household -- Don and I like to sit down late in October so that we can finish the year out and get organized financially for next. Funnily, that is also when pledge drive is at our church. I can't remember if the pledge drive caused the budget meeting or the budget meeting answered the pledge drive.
So, it is early September, if you haven't 'finished what YOU started with your work, time to match your eagerness.
And give thanks that Paul is not our Stewardship chair.
Thanks for your reflections on Ecclesiastes, Sylvia. I like your take on the book. It will always remain a bit of a mystery to even the most learned of Bible readers.