An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

September 20

OT -- Isaiah 33:13-36:22
Oooh, the field commander (unnamed, did you notice that?) for Sennacherib, king of Assyria plays very dirty pool. He stands before the gates of Jerusalem and starts a diatribe against Hezekiah, king of Judah. Now, remember, the Assyrians have swept over Israel, the Northern Kingdom. They have swept over the other fortified cities in Judah with Jerusalem, the capital remaining. And rather than besiege the city (a nasty affair at best, since Jerusalem sits higher than all the surrounding ground)the field commander tries to get the populace all stirred up against Hezekiah to surrender. He deliberately speaks in Hebrew and not in Aramaic so that the people can hear him. Dirty, dirty pool.

Psalm 64
"Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint"

Just wanted you to know that I am unhappy, Lord, and I expect you to kill my enemy so it can get better.
If you ever thought that asking God for help in times of trouble is asking too much, this is the psalm for you! David doesn't just ask for help, he asks God to kill the SOBs, and make it fast!

Which brings me to another point about David. He did not mince or use high-faultin' words with God. He just poured out his heart -- the good, the bad and the really awful. God loved him anyway. Maybe because of it.
I also have to think David felt better after he wrote these kinds of psalms. Kill 'em and kill 'em quick! Probably had a catchy marching tune.

So, I think there are two lessons in this psalm for me.
1. Don't censure my words with God. He is surely big enough to take all my stupidity, foolishness, and meanness.
2. Let it out to God and keep the yucky stuff between us. No one really wants to know how very much I want some folks to step off a curb and be no more. Makes me look bad and you know how I hate that. But truthfully, Jewish thought is just like that. Thoughts are just that -- thoughts. It is actions that matter. And as long as I don't push someone off that curb, it is going to be okay. But do I have to save them if they do?????? Rhetorical. I do know better.

Much love to each of you.

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