An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 27

One of my favorite computer programs is Quicken. Until I got Quicken, I could never make my checkbook balance. And it drove me CRAZY. I like to balance. To the penny. Every time. I recognize that this is not always possible and in many cases, not feasible. But I like to have all my pennies line up.
I assumed that since I love Quicken so much, everyone will love Quicken. But that is not so. I do not think I have one single convert. And believe me, I have tried.
When I took Matthew to the bank to get his checking account, I helped him set up his own Quicken account. I think he uses it primarily as an accounting tool for me because he surely does not use it for himself. Cole is the same way. Depressing.
This must be what Paul felt like when he could not convert the Jews. Here he had this incredible, wonderful news and no one, and I mean NO ONE would listen to him or buy into his new belief. As a matter of fact, the Jews would run him out of town, sometimes nicely but usually with stones and ugly words. And don’t forget how the Jews in Jerusalem would eventually treat him. I can just hear Paul say “How can you possibly not believe this amazing news?”
The Roman congregation was not one that Paul set up. It did have Jewish converts as well as Gentiles. But apparently, there was a lot of dissension about which ‘Laws’ were going to followed and which ones could be ignored. Paul, of course, argues for the Law of Grace. If you believe in Jesus, you are saved and that is that. I don’t think his position was adopted. All churches, at least every one that I have been exposed to, have rules and regulation – Laws, if you will. Most don’t want to admit it although there are a few that are downright belligerent in their code. Maybe they all are and I just don’t want to admit that Presbyterians are belligerent. ..
So, we read this passage (Romans 10:14-11:12) and what are we to make of it? Is it aimed at us? Or at non-believers? Or our role in helping the nons become believers?
I am not sure. I do think that Paul was rapidly losing patience with the Jews at this point in his life. And it really just got worse. Some of these verses are almost mean. Vs 18 But I ask: Did they not hear? Of course they did…Did Israel not understand… “All day long I have held out my hands to ad disobedient and obstinate people.”
This is one of those passages that makes me really uncomfortable. I don’t proselytize and I am really poor at evangelism. I don’t hide who or what I am but I am not going out trying to convert the masses and I certainly don’t feel that they are ‘rejected’ because they don’t believe the way I do. I’ve got problems, as you can see.

Proverbs 20:4-6
A sluggard does not plow in season; so at harvest time he looks but finds nothing.
Well, I am no sluggard since I plowed (or in my case, dug) and planted on time. What I ALWAYS have problems with is the weeding. In that area, SLUGGARD is my name. And folks, if you don’t weed, you don’t get.
I have a million reasons – vacation, it’s hot, I’m tired, it’s hot, they’ll just grow back, it’s hot, there are mosquitoes, IT’S JUST PLAIN HOT. No matter what the reason, it adds up to the same, choked out tomato plants, beans that aren’t producing and basil plants covered with a sticky ivy like thing that pulls the plant to the ground and ruins it for pesto.
Since Solomon was using the proverbs to teach his sons the broader picture, I am thinking what that proverb has as implications in my life.
If I manage to get things planted or planned and moving in the right direction but don’t manage the distractions and impediments, isn’t that the same as the weeds that choke my beans? It is not enough just to start the project, the visitation program, the Bible verse memorization. You actually have to work the plan ignoring the heat, mosquitoes, vacations, exhaustion.
This is one of the things that Bible in a Year has taught me. I really have to look at my schedule and if I am going to be out at night, I really have to sit down and do my work before I go. It is pretty hard to come home from a movie at 10 and then spend an hour with kings who just won’t do right or arguing with a long, dead Paul.
I am not saying this to make myself look good, I am saying this because I HAVE NEVER STUCK TO ANYTHING LIKE THIS for this long. Witness the weight, lack of exercise, the unread books and scrapbooks unfinished.
At just a little more than halfway through, I encourage you to rededicate yourself to the Word. If you have been out of it for a while, jump right back in where we are. No need to go back and read. It will be there the next time we decide to do this (ummmm, if we decide to do this again….).
And if you have been keeping up with the reading, YEA for you. Let’s keep plowing and pulling those weeds. The harvest has already begun.

Blessings to you and yours as we start this next to last weekend before school starts.

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