An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Saturday, December 22, 2012

December 23

Never having read Zechariah, I was unprepared for the apocalyptic imagery that pervades it. We have those same 7 eyes, 4 horned beasts, lampstands, etc. that permeate Revelation.
We also have the whole concept of the destruction of the earth due to God's wrath.
Day before yesterday was supposed to be the end of the earth. Instead, as Matthew put it, it is now a joke day -- and the movie 2012 -- is a comedy.
And it would be if this week had not been so very grim with the news from home, nationally and abroad.
John and Zechariah were both writing to people whose lives were threatened to their very existence. The life those people led were hard and harsh. Even if you were very wealthy, there was no sparing you from the change in fortunes due to the vagaries of politics.
For Zechariah, his book was written during the reign of Darius, the Persian emperor. True, Cyrus had allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem and the emperor had even helped pay to rebuild the Temple. Darius did continue this policy but who knew when that might change? Or another empire (that would be Greece) would take over and then who knew what their policies would be towards their vassals.
The only way to preserve the worship of the Lord was for the return of the king to Jerusalem.
These 'oracles' about the return of the correct and abiding worship of the Lord have harsh consequences to those who do not comply or who 'fall away' from the true worship.

These themes are also echoed in our selection today from Revelation. It is hard to read and understand the whole concept of the 'mark'. It is possible that John meant a physical mark. Slaves in Roman times were often branded so that they could not run away. So were criminals.
Even centurions had brandings though theirs were usually in the range of regiment tattoos rather than what we think of as brands.
We also know that symbols and anagrams were used extensively in the 'mystery' religions that pervaded the Roman Empire. It is possible that many who followed these cults actually had physical marks on their bodies that allowed each other to recognize and trust each other.
Why would John be so against these 'marks'? I am not sure but what I think is probably true is that he wasn't so much against the 'marks' as he was against the beliefs.
The whole book of Revelation is one long discourse about NOW. NOW is the time for repentance because the end is at hand. And if you don't believe, the consequences are AWFUL.
How much easier it would be to merely go along with the cultural worships of the day. How much easier it would be to offer sacrifices at the local shrine, kowtow to the emperor worship, do your civic duty by just going along.
Think about the courage it took to stay the course! The Romans were getting ready to toss people into the arenas for faith! They had already burnt them on sticks for it!

Fast forward to 2012, almost 2013 in America. Oh, I hear all the stuff about America not being friendly to Christians but I have news for you, the Federal Reserve is CLOSED on Christmas day. Christmas is a FEDERAL holiday. I personally think that most people are unfriendly to those who insist that THEIR religion is the ONLY religion. And I hate to say it, but there are plenty of Christians who feel that way.
So, does John's Revelation speak to us? When the Mayan calendar said that the world was ending, did we have loads of people repenting and changing their ways?
Or do most folks, myself included, think that the world is NEVER going to end? Aren't we just like teenagers in that regard? Oh, this will NEVER happen to me?

There must have been tons of folks in Jerusalem who thought Zechariah was a nut job. Didn't they get the emperor!!! to pay for their new Temple? Things were going smashingly. Okay, so they weren't totally in charge of their destiny but hey, they had reasonable protection and things were happening.
And I know that people all through the ages have thought John was brain-damaged. Many horned beasts and all.
Or took him literally and have decided that this means such and such and the world is just about over. If you think I am exaggerating, let me tell you, there is a billboard that I pass every week on my way to my Marietta market on I-75 that says "Look what the US will be doing to Egypt" I have to tell you, that is one scary website!
You cannot go downtown with out the street preachers' placards ringing out -- THE END IS NEAR.

Maybe so. But just in case it isn't, I will be ordering my spring garden seeds next week, planning out my flower beds, my vacation schedule, and Cole's college visits.

Grace, peace and a nighttime free of worry.

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