NT -- Acts 18:1-22
Here is a fascinating webpage with the dates of Paul's journeys and his letters. Go check it out!
Paul's Journeys
We forget when we read Acts just how many years this book encompasses. The phrase 'Paul stayed in Corinth some time' could mean a season, a year or two. For the longest time (years in Sylvia world), I thought that when Paul showed up in a city, he either a)made an immediate friend or b)ticked off the local synagogue leader after 2-3 Saturdays. Or Both.
The reality is, Paul showed up a in city, worked a bit at his tent-making, visited several synagogues until he found one he thought would be compatible and then started teaching. You don't just get to show up in a city and start teaching in Jewish synagogues. It takes time to develop relationships AND adversaries.
On a personal note, today Don and I have been married 20 years.
Peace and blessings to you all.
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