An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 26

NT -- 2 Corinthians 1:1-11
There are differing views on the time difference between 1st and 2nd Corinthians but at least a year has gone by, possibly 3. Paul has been to Corinth in between the letters at least once and possibly twice. The first time was for a several month duration, the second time probably for much shorter. It is also speculated that there was another circulated letter that went to the Corinthians in between the 1st and the 2nd.
Part of my problem in reading Paul's letters is his inability to render his thoughts conscisely. One of my readers sent me the link to this website which puts his letters in a much more visual fashion. It also gives headings. Okay, sometimes I have no idea of what Paul is talking about, so this is very helpful to at least have a head's up.
See if this doesn't help you in the reading of 2nd Corinthians.

JOb 20:1-22:30
This section of Job is classic philosophy -- why do the wicked prosper? Zophar's position is that they don't. God will eventually punish them, i.e. how he has punished Job. Job's is that the wicked and the righteous both die and both are eaten with worms. I am not sure whose philosophy is ickier.
But let's take a look at each position:
If you are wicked and you prosper, does that mean that God DOESN'T punish you? If you are righteous and you DON'T prosper does that mean God DOESN'T reward you?
We could also look at the reverse. If you are wicked and you don't prosper, does that mean God has punished you? If you are righteous and you do prosper, does that mean God has rewarded you?
See, I don't think you can pick one or the other. And I truly think for most of us, wickedness is a degree, not an absolute. I thank God for this, but I don't think I have actually met a truly evil person face to face. I know they exist. You cannot pick up a paper, watch CNN, or listen to the radio without knowing that.
Most of us seem to be some shade of one or the other. Oh, I have met people who cheated, lied, stole. I have even had some dealings with at least two murderers. And while I haven't killed anyone that I know of, I have done my share and more of the lying, cheating, stealing.
And for me, the greatest thing of all about my belief in God is that He still wants to have a relationship with me. Evil, blackhearted me.
We are soon to get to God's oration regarding this relationship with Job but for me, the bottom line is not about prospering or punishing, it is about remaining in relationship to God. And that is where Job has drifted and where Eliaphaz, Zophar, and Bildad have gotten it wrong.

May your Sunday be filled with grace, beauty, light, and time spent in worship of God.

1 comment:

  1. Various degrees of wickedness, yes
    But wicked is as wicked does
    Sorry got a little Forest Gump there!
    I don't think God is concerned about degrees of wickedness though
    Any sin separates us from God
    Thankfully the Mercy and Grace of God extends to every one of us. In all our shades of separation
    I think we use those degrees of evil to make ourselves feel better than our brothers and sisters whose sins we perceive to be greater.
