May 13
OT -- 1 Samuel 13:23-14:52
What a stupid oath! Why would Saul have said that? And how can someone who is not in the camp be bound by that same oath? It is the exact same problem I have with that awful story in Judges when Jephthath ended up killing his own daughter. How can people be held to such things?
And yet it happens time and again. Rashi has a brief comment about it in one of his Midrash. He says this was God’s way of reminding his people that oaths made to God were sacred, not to be misspoken or spoken lightly. Better not to swear than to swear lightly. In a culture that had few written words, oaths made out loud had great, great weight. Anyone who broke their oath would be considered untrustworthy in all sorts of deeds.
NT – John 7:30-53
Our friend, Nicodemus shows up in today’s scripture. He does not support Jesus, no not yet, but he does question the Pharisees on a point of order. Clearly, he was not one of the disciples who ‘did not believe’ and ‘who left Jesus’. My vs 50 says Nicodemus was ‘one of their own number’. I guess he was ultimately considered by them to be a huge Turncoat.
And a reminder that John was written to clarify and amend the records about Jesus that were swirling around in first century Palestine. Thus, we have the whole “messisah from David, Messiah from Bethlehem” questions. How can Jesus be from Galilee if nothing good ever comes from there?
My study Bible says that the next verses were added to the gospel of John probably in the 3rd century and they were designed to show Jesus’ compassionate nature. Well, having just spent the last several days watching him confuse, run off disciples, and sneak around getting to and from the Temple for the Feast, we probably could use a little dose of compassion. Will have to wait until tomorrow to see what story that is. Don’t peek ahead.
On a personal note,Matthew graduated from Woodward Academy yesterday. I gave him his diploma. He graciously lent me his arm to walk down those steps and we both did fine.
His party was wonderful, friends and family gathered to congratulate and celebrate with him.
We are looking forward to the next chapter in his life.
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