2 Thessalonians ends with the lovely injunction that has been used by everyone since Ulysses, 'if you don't expect to work, don't expect to eat'. Paul even goes one further -- he not only expected to work, he expected to be preaching and teaching in the time when he wasn't working. Only from the Colossians did he accept help.
This can be so taken to extremes but it is a good motto to live by.
I also love that Paul finished the letter 'in his own hand' so that the Thessalonians would know what letters were from him and which were faked. Clearly, there were a lot of letters circulating around.
There are questions as to whether Paul wrote 2nd Thessalonians or not. I have no idea. It would be so much easier in my life if I just accepted things as the way they are given to me instead of questioning so much.
Here are two websites that offer opposing view points with the first being Paul didn't write it and the second being he did.
Paul didn't write 2nd Thessalonians
Paul did write 2nd Thessalonians
Just passing on information, folks. Don't shoot the messenger or the questioner.
Psalm 85
Another of the 'wilderness' psalms. The people are being oppressed and put upon and the psalmist is asking if God will ever relinquish the torment.
And that is an arresting question to ask when you are in the middle of the weeds. Every time I am there, it seems I forget that God has lifted me up from the past debacles. Oh, I am not unscathed, but I have been supported. This is one reason that I normally keep a journal. I find it so helpful/painful to go back and reread this things when I am past the problem or in the middle of another.
One of the things I am working on personally is to take the time to assess before I jump right in. I am not known for that character quality. Even our Proverb speaks to the righteousness of taking stock -- just how much honey does one need?
I hope that this is a blessed week for you and yours. Stay in the Word and lets keep plugging along.
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