An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Thursday, April 12, 2012

April 13

OT -- Joshua 7:16-9:2
My NIV says that the tribe of Judah, the clan of Zerhaites, the family of Zimri, and Achan were 'taken'. The Message says 'singled out'. New International says 'chosen'. The true meaning of the Hebrew word is to choose.
I pondered for a while why NIV did not use it. Here is what I finally came up with. "Chosen" in the Bible has such a positive meaning. Moses was The Chosen One. The Children of Israel were God's Chosen People. God Chose David, and stuck with him through thick and thin.
Achan was bad. When he 'chose', he chose the wrong side. And it cost him. And not just him, all his children and livestock. Didn't say anything about wives in my Bible. Maybe they were dead? But all his sons and daughters.
Here again, The Godfather gives a peek into why. Leave the son alive and he will seek revenge. Even 40 years later. If they all get stoned, you won't have to worry about them growing up with 'bad' seed or 'bad' feelings.
This is a very bloody part of the Bible.
Unfortunately for me, I have no Rashi to turn to for help. My Stone Chumash ends with Deuteronomy. What will I do??
I emailed one of my rabbi friends and he said "not to worry. I will leave you a stack of commentary for the rest of the scriptures." A stack? "Yes, what you have been reading from is nothing as far as Midrash. Wait until you see what I have for you!" Which I will go pick up tomorrow. Can't wait.

NT -- Luke 16:1-18
Okay, not my favorite Luke passages. But then I remembered that this is part of the Lost sets. Go back and start reading from Luke 15:1 through 16:18.
REmember that Jesus is making fun of the Pharisees by saying obvious foolishness that they are agreeing to. Remember?
Of course the kingdom of heaven will be populated by people who cheat their masters!! Of course it will!!
These are what Jesus is comparing the Pharisees to. THEY wouldn't go after a lost sheep. But God would. THEY wouldn't help an old woman find her 1/10 of her estate. But God would. THEY wouldn't let a thief like the dishonest manager into heaven. But God would.
God's population is not the one of the holier-than-thou. His is the population of the stumbling, the sick, and oppressed. Who make giant mistakes but are really sorry and try to do better. Fall down, ask for help, and then keep going.
We are God's population when we mix and mingle with this crowd and admit that we are one of them.
Perfect. Who can attain it? No one, so you might as well ask for forgiveness and move on.
And is this the perfect Psalm for this Luke passage or what?
Psalm 82
'Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and the needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked."

Much love and gratefulness for this community. I hope you have a splendid weekend and enjoy the beauty of our world!

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