In loving memory of Travis “Trey” Charles Felts
April 28, 1986- February 26, 2012
OT –Numbers 2:1-3:51
When I read Biblical accounts like our OT selection today, I am astounded at the power that Moses and Aaron wielded over these 700,000 people. I know how hard it is to get my family of 4 in and out of the airport with our luggage, electronics, tickets and such on our trips. I cannot imagine moving that many folks that distance and having them obey like they clearly did. The whole logistics of putting this tribe here and that one there, it is just surreal.
The washing and the tending to the children. The camp must have been enormous. And with all those animals that they were sacrificing, even if they weren’t eating some of them, the poop from those animals, heck, the poop from the people!!
Disgusting, I know, but it does give you pause to stop and think what it would take to move 100 people the 200 miles from Egypt to Palestine. Much less 700,000. The unanswered questions of the Bible. Add one more to the book.
NT – Mark 11:27-12:17
Here we have another example of people questioning Jesus’ authority. They want to know ‘in whose name’ is Jesus doing this.
Names were so much more important in biblical times than they are now. You remember when Jesus drove the demons out of the crazy man and they went into the pigs, Jesus first asked the demons’ name. They answered ‘Legion’ (we are many).
My favorite passage in the Bible – Isaiah 43:1 – “fear not, I have called you by name” –God has power over me because he KNOWS my name.
In the same way, if you did something in ‘someone’s name’, that meant the person had transferred some of their power to you, some of their ability. The Roman soldiers fought ‘in Caesar’s name’. The tax collectors took the money ‘in Caesar’s name’.
Jesus refuses to answer the question. Why? Remember what gospel we are in. The ‘secret’ gospel. He did not want to announce he was the Son of God until it was ‘The Time’.
Proverbs 10:24-25
We had a terrible storm roll through Atlanta last night. Fortunately, no tornados touched down anywhere near here but this proverbs has special meaning today.
My sermon is today. I will upload a link to the service tomorrow for those who are not able to be there in person. I hope you have a blessed Sunday.
I am praying for God's peace, good vibrations, great karma and several angels to surround you this morning-- the women's services are going to be absolutely wonderful-- L.