An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Sunday, March 11, 2012

March 12

OT – Numbers 16:41-18.32
What did I tell you? Sure enough, the next stinking day, the Israelites are grumbling against Moses! And they get a plague and killed 14,700! Is that enough to stop the grumbling? Well, you know it isn’t.
Same Bat time, same Bat channel. More dead Israelites.

NT – Mark 16:1-20

This video is about the added on ending for Mark.

As an aside, I have noticed that YouTube videos don't download in my email copy of this post, if that is the case, go to the main page so you can watch this YouTube.
Click here for the main page of Bible in a Year

Psalm 55:1-23
How well I know the feeling of this psalmist! I live more in my head than I do in the real world, I think. My fears in my head can sometimes overwhelm me as they do the psalmist. Let’s look at what keeps the fears at bay for him.
1. He is praying. Rather than simply stewing about all of his problems, he has listed them out for the Lord.
2. He is aware that he needs to flee to a place of safety and he has decided that the safest place is not ‘out there, somewhere’, it is with God.

Blessings on your week


  1. Not sure the younger readers of your blog are going to get the Batman reference. Still it is beginning to seem a little like a comic series where the same thing happens over and over again.

    Love the Pslam. This one really got to me.

  2. I published the first post before watching the YouTube video. The peron in the video however he is had a very interesting take on the ending of Mark. Cool find.

    Also I gave to confess that I broke the rules again. I went on vacation last week and somehow still only read one day the entire week. So yesterday and today I caught up. A whole lot of whining going on when you read 8 days of Numbers in a row.
