An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

January 19

Psalm – I know I inserted the clip of Rob Bell a few days ago but reading the Psalm tonight, I couldn’t resist putting in the first part of that preaching. If you can, fast-forward to minute 6 and listen to his explanation of the wings of God (our verse 8). The rest of the clip is excellent as well.
But spend a little time with this Psalm and I think what is happening is that the psalmist is having a nightmare. That little tagline at the end tells me that in his dreams, God is saving him from all the awful things his mind can conjure up.
And nightmares they certainly are. With lions, wicked men, and hungers besetting him, the Psalmist doesn’t want to betray God even in his dreams. “(you)examine me at night, though you test me, you will find nothing;”.
What is interesting to me is that scientists and doctors still do not know WHY we dream. There are a lot of theories but no concrete, empirical evidence as to why we dream. Or even why we dream as we do.
And of course, tracking our readings, there in the OT, Joseph, the many colored dreamcoat dreamer.
I was curious as to why the dreamers in prison were cupbearer and baker. Please click on this link here and go look at this fabulous website. It provides so much illumination both for this passage as well as for future passages especially when we come to Moses.

Many blessings on your readings and meditations. Thank you for your faithfulness and your desire to stay in the Word.


  1. This from Matthew spoke to me today.

    20 The seeds that fell on rocky ground stand for those who receive the message gladly as soon as they hear it.21 But it does not sink deep into them, and they don't last long. So when trouble or persecution comes because of the message, they give up at once.

    I so long for the Word to sink deep into me. To my very marrow.

    We sing a song in First Cup often. Blessed be the Name.

    And there is one refrain that always causes a member of my family to ask

    "What the heck does that mean..You give and take away, you give and take away. My heart will surely stay. What exactly does God give and take away"
    His grace?
    His favor?

    There are so many stories of give and take and rise and ruin in the OT. God sure gave and took away a lot from Job. But Job chose to stay faithful.

    Because I think he had the message sunk deep into his marrow.
    Not the bone, the marrow.

  2. I think how Jesus uses parables to communicate deep meaning to believers is fascinating. The stories reveal great depth to those who believe and has has no depth to those who don't. Anyone who is not a believer who reads the bible doesn't gleam much from it. It is only a "living" bible through faith. Matthew 13:15 says "For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes." Then in the Psalm verse David says his mortal enemies "close up their callous hearts". Then on in verse 15 he asks the Lord to save him from those (calloused) people whose reward is this life. I looked up calloused and by definition he is saying save me from those who are insensitive, indifferent, unsympathetic, soulless, toughened, uncompassionate. Then Proverbs 3 also ties in well saying that God mocks the mockers. The Message cracked me up. Verse 35 says "Wise living gets rewarded with honor: stupid living gets the booby prize." I do not want the booby prize!

  3. Also, how much more precious is the "bread of life" when we realize how precious bread was!
