I am on the left, my sister-in-law Kim, and Debbie is on the right
I have one sister, Debbie. We are 13 months apart and as children, we fought a great deal. One gruesome battle in our teens left us with no pantyhose to wear to church, a broken hairbrush and one scarred cousin Dexter who still dramatically tells the tale. By the time we were in college, much of that fighting seemed to have passed. We lived together for 18 months in a tiny 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with 4 other girls. I don’t recall fighting but I do remember many funny games of Boogle and laughing over infatuations with the pizza delivery boy.
Now, at 48, I consider Debbie to be my closest friend. There is precious little that I can’t tell her and those are things that I generally just can’t bring myself to voice aloud. Our children are very close as well and have repeated arguments with me as to whether their future children will call them by their names or will they get the title of aunt and uncle. They absolutely despise the whole concept of second cousins or first cousins, once removed.
Which is why I have such a hard time with the Rachel and Leah story. They never seemed to have left the adolescent arguing behind them and matured into friends and companions. In tomorrow’s readings, Gen 31:36 tells us that Jacob had been there 20 years. Even if Rachel was 14 or 15, she would have been 35. Yet, she and Leah were still wrangling for power. Neither seemed to rejoice when the other had a baby. I cannot imagine Debbie not being thrilled for me.
And I get that they shared a man. But he seemed largely uninvolved in the dispute. They tell him to lie with so and so, and he does it. Even if he favors Rachel more than Leah, everyone gets their babies and it seems that everyone got their own space. So why all the drama?
And what are we supposed to learn from this story? Not to be a sister-wife? (I must admit to a certain fascination with that TLC show. I have never actually watched it but it certainly seems to be sort of stupid to be on TV if you are committing about 6 felonies and stand in jeopardy of losing your million children.) I don’t think that is the answer. I think we are supposed to reflect on the destruction that holding a grudge or trying to one-up one another will do. We will continue to see the ripple effects in the Joseph story. Who in your life are you trying to outdo?
NT Look at vs 7-8. What a mission statement! To the point. I did not realize that Jesus had given the disciples the power to raise the dead. I know it happens in Acts with Peter and Paul, but I thought those were really special acts. I especially love that he wants this to be done because they HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED THEIRS. Do we think about this when we do mission work?
I help with the funeral luncheons and one little old lady told me that she did the luncheons so that when she died, she would get one for herself and it would be nice. I hugged her and told her that she had already more than earned her luncheon with all her church work over the years. Yes, she said, but folks forget. I think we have already gotten the luncheon, dinner and the after-dinner drink. We have received ABUNDANTLY God’s mercy and grace. It shines all over us. It is up to us to reflect that back into a world that desperately needs to see the Light of God. It has always been so, according to our Psalm but it surely seems that right now, loads of people are hurting in so many different ways.
After today’s reading, we will have finished 1/26th of the Bible. Give yourself a huge pat on the back and continue to stay in the Word. Many thanks to all who have stopped me at church or emailed to say they are reading but not ready to comment. The reading is the most important thing. May God bless us on our journey.
In the Genesis reading today, there is the story of the speckled, spotted and striped sheeps and goats. My wife did a Bible study year's ago where they had a good explanation for this and she went over it with me. I hope that she posts that here for everyone else.
ReplyDeleteIn the Matthew reading, one of the dieases that Jesus specifically the disciples the ability to cure is leprosy. I just finished reading a great book that deals with last facility in the US to house the victims of Hansen's Diease (leprosy). That just closed a few years ago. The book is called "In The Sanctuary of Outcasts" by Neil White. It is also about bank fraud, prison and one man's quest to find redemption.
Often I think about how I would react to message of the Jesus if I had been living in Jerusalem then. I seem to be always busy, always just trying to make it through the day. I wonder if I would have even had the time to listen to the words of the disciples and what I would have thought about them. Would I have brushed them off? Would I suffer a fate worse than Sodom and Gomorrah?
I was struck by the similarities between the Psalms and Proverbs readings today. The metaphors of God's words in Pslams and God's understanding in the Proverbs being better than silver and gold. Powerful imagery.
In BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) we took a year to study a book like Genesis so the rate of reading in a year is a bit of an adjustment for me. I wrote in the margin in my bible in regards to the seperation of the flock that 1. This could have been a wives tale. 2. This method that Jacob used could have had a real medicinal or chemical effect. 3. It could have been it was just what God told Jacob to do. Regardless, the outcome was that God blessed Jacob's flock in the midst of unfairness and jealousy. God will bless us regardless of our circumstances and in the midst of our enemies. We have both the jealousy of Laban's daughter's and the jealousy of his sons to show us how distructive jealousy can be. When I feel jealous I try to think of my dear friend Carmen. Somehow, even in her worst circumstances when something good happens to me she seems as happy as if it happened to her. I don't know how she does that.
ReplyDeleteThere is a praise and worship song that goes, "Lord, you are more precious than silver, Lord, you are most costly than gold. Lord, you are more beaufiful than diamonds, and nothing I desire compaires with you." I have seen through these scriptures the inspiration for these lyrics. Something I should sing to myself more when my wants get to me!
From Matthew today.."And if some home or town will not welcome you or listen to you, then leave that place and shake the dust off your feet.15 I assure you that on the Judgment Day God will show more mercy to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah than to the people of that town!"
ReplyDeleteHarsh. I can't imagine how things could get much worse that the fate of S&G.