Proverbs – This is from Matthew Henry’s commentary:
If the slothful are to be condemned, who do nothing, much more those that do all the ill they can. Observe how such a man is described. He says and does every thing artfully, and with design. His ruin shall come without warning, and without relief. Here is a list of things hateful to God. Those sins are in a special manner provoking to God, which are hurtful to the comfort of human life. These things which God hates, we must hate in ourselves; it is nothing to hate them in others. Let us shun all such practices, and watch and pray against them; and avoid, with marked disapproval, all who are guilty of them, whatever may be their rank.
I had to go back and reread yesterday’s proverbs to understand what Henry was talking about. Hebrew poetry and wisdom writing love couplets. Even couplets that are several stanzas long.
Yesterday’s was all about sleeping in and being lazy. Today, we have someone who IS NOT lazy. Far from it! But what he is instead is deceitful. And that is worse to God. “Suddenly destroyed”. Bad news for the scoundrel.
NT – Is it hard for you to imagine that we are already at Jerusalem? It really does not seem like that long ago that Jesus was a baby escaping to Egypt with his mom and earthly dad. But Matthew spends almost a quarter of his time with us in Jerusalem and that last week. We will get day by day detail. In a book that just romps along, the pace slows way, way down. And I think this is deliberate on Matthew’s part. He was telling stuff that was important, yes. He had messages like the Sermon on the Mount and messages about what the kingdom of Heaven was about. But what Matthew really thinks is important is the time Jesus spends in Jerusalem. We get to know what he wore, what he wanted to eat, who he spent time with and where, and details about his days that we never got before. And in loving, devoted detail, we get the betrayal, arrest and trial and crucifixion. Prepare yourselves for the way of the King.
Please also take a minute to look at the map I have for you. Print it out and when Matthew says Jesus went to Bethpage, locate that on the map. If we can’t go to Jerusalem physically, we can at least follow his footsteps on the map.
This is the last day of January. I have 31 stickers on my calendar and a really big huge GO ME! for the month of January. I am not sure if I will change anything for February but I encourage you to find what motivates you to STAY IN THE WORD. For me, it is stickers. For you, it might be 2 solid weeks of Bible study and a massage. I don’t know. But think about your goal and your reward. Reading the Bible should be reward enough. But I have been a mom long enough to know that sometimes you need a little push. No matter what you have done in January, be proud of that and look forward to February. You can do it!!
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks... you're doing a wonderful job!
I like that Matthew spends so much detail on this last week. Imagine for a moment that you knew, for absolutely certain that you would not be alive on Saturday morning, what would you do? I imagine that you try and cram into that last few days all the things that you always wanted to do but it just never seemed like the right time. That I think is what Jesus was doing in today's reading when he ran the money changers out the Temple.
ReplyDeleteI think that you would try and spend some time with family and friends. You would tell them all the final things that you have always wanted to say but it never seemed like the right time. That is what we are going to read about the next few days.
Finally, I think you might have a big dinner with those that you are closest to and say goodbye and ask them to remember you. That is what Jesus is going to doom Thursday night at the last supper.
As we read through the first of the 4 accounts of Jesus' last week, we get a chance to think about the things that we know we should do, the people that we would want to spend time and the things that we would say. And here is where the rubber meets the road. None of us are guaranteed to be alive on Saturday. Maybe we should follow our Savior's example and live this week to its fullest like its the last one!
You think He was trying to be certain about the yeast?! Good grief!