An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 21

NT -- Revelation 12:1-13:1a
I am very literal minded. It is hard for me to understand and decipher lots of poetry and I, being the mother of a high schooler, am so over metaphors, similes, appositives and other assorted literary terms.
So, when I read something like this section of Revelation that is nattering on and on about a dragon, I think, well, a dragon. Pictures of very bad art in Chinese restaurants.
Except that isn't what is meant here (which is why I sort of have my grump on). The dragon is Satan -- see vs. 9 The great dragon was hurled down -- that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan who leads the whole world astray.

so, back I go, to re-read the section again, this time inserting Satan in place of the dragon.

vs. 3 "Then another sign appeared in heaven; an enormous red Satan (think really bad Halloween costume). He stood in front of the pregnant woman who was about to give birth, so that he (Satan) could kill her child the moment it was born."

Now, why would Satan want to kill Jesus right as he was born? Well, if you think about it that way, there are 7 billion reasons running around this earth this minute as to why Satan would kill Jesus as at birth.
I guess my question would be for God. Why would he even allow Satan the opportunity to kill Jesus? Why, when there was a war in heaven between Satan and Michael (the arch-angel), wasn't Satan killed instead of throwing him down to earth?
As if we earthlings could combat him better than an angel?

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