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NT - Revelation 4:1-11
This little section of scripture is one representation of the throne room of heaven. God is seated on the throne and is surrounded by the 24 other thrones -- my commentaries say these are the 12 sons of Jacob and the 12 disciples of Jesus minus Judas and adding the one they elected to replace him in the Upper Room after Jesus' death -- Matthias. (Acts 1).
The creatures are cherubim and give credence to the idea that angels do not look like babies in long white nightgowns. Otherwise, why would the first words out of their mouths be 'Be not afraid'?
In the Presbyterian church, we sing Holy, Holy, Holy all the time. This is the scripture that it is taken from. There, aren't you glad Revelation was in the Bible? Otherwise we would miss out on one of the great hymns of all time.
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