An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Saturday, February 4, 2012

February 5

Proverbs – If a picture is worth a thousand words, this YouTube should be shown to all.

I do have to say, that just like in the parable A Prodigal Son, I find myself in a different position than when I read this as a young adult. I clearly identified with the ‘simple young man’ when I first read Proverbs in my 20s. Now, I am sure that I identify with the old man writing these proverbs. I have seen the devastation that adultery wrecks on a family. It NEVER ends up well. And I would spare my children and their children that agony if I could. In the case of the prodigal, well, let’s just say I have been all characters from the prodigal to the jealous older brother to the father who disregards the slights imposed by his child.
That is the great thing about the Bible. It has meaning no matter what your time of life or situation is.

NT – Matthew 24:15-28 is a type of writing called apocalyptic literature. The entire book of Revelation is apocalyptic as well as good amounts of Daniel and Isaiah. Sometimes these are called ‘prophetic writings’ since they tend to speak of future events. They usually have good vs. evil fight. This section of Matthew is a good example. Frequently, readers are frightened or confused by these texts.
When Presbyterian Women did a yearlong study of Revelation at Mt Vernon, we ended up offering another class just because so many of the women were afraid (or refused!) to study Revelation. Let’s not be frightened by Scripture. Empowered, strengthened, drawn closer to the Lord, but not frightened.
When I was growing up, I spent a good amount of time in graveyards. My childhood neighborhood backs up to Arlington Cemetery and whenever I wanted to dodge chores, I would grab my book and hop the fence. We visited my mother’s family’s graveyard in Blairsville frequently and my dad’s mother lived across the street from the best cemetery of all – Dalton Cemetery. Someone asked me if I was afraid of being in cemeteries so much and my reply was no, I am not afraid of dead people, it is the living that scare the h*ll out of me.
The same should be true of scripture. Yes, it can be challenging. But it is there for us to learn about God, all sides of him. Yes, even the Judge. And let us not ever forget that we have Jesus as our intercessor.

OT – one law really struck me today – it is 23:8 -- can we send this to the Georgia House where they are currently working on ethics bill?

Have a refreshing and relaxing Sunday.

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