An Appropriate Proverb

There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30

Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 24

I couldn't resist this old clip of Billy Graham preaching the Mark reading for today. I think it also speaks to the OT reading as well.
The clip is from 1958 -- in the middle of the Cold War and racial tensions in the US.

OT -- After having read the verses about a woman who has a discharge for 'many days at at a time other than her monthly period, I had to go back and read the healing of the woman who touched his cloak in Mark 5:25-34. By the Leviticus account, the woman shouldn't have even been in that crowd. Someone could have touched her and she would have made THEM unclean. I guess in the excitement of Jesus, all the normal social barriers were discarded, much like they seem to be on New Years Eve in Time Square.
Chapter 16 goes back to the stories of Aaron's sons and their deaths and begins the rules and rituals that are associated with Yom Kippur. Yom Kippur is the highest and most holy of all the Jewish feast and holy days. It is the day of atonement.
In our scripture, God tells Moses what to have Aaron do in order to be able to approach the inner sanctum of the Tabernacle. And in order to do this, he has to cleanse himself of his sin and the sins of the Israelites. Those the whole idea of a scapegoat. Interestingly, although the service for Yom Kippur is taken from this section of Leviticus, the scripture that is used is from Jonah! I guess we will figure that out when we get to Jonah in December. Will we remember? Doubt it so I wrote myself a note in the margin on December 14 to figure out why.

blessings on your readings, fellow journeyers.

1 comment:

  1. I can't ever remember seeing or hearing Billy Graham before. That was great. I know that some of his comments were dated but so many of the problems that talked about the beginning are still exactly the same 53 years later.
