OT -- 2 Chronicles 29:1-36
I have always liked the name Hezekiah. Now, I know why. Hezekiah is our kind of man. He doesn't bemoan all the old problems, he just comes up and cleans out, hires the right guys and does what he is supposed to do.
As an FYI, Hezekiah is supposedly the last one to see the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. I am not sure if this will be in our reading tomorrow or if I missed some obscure reference to it. But I have another book of commentary that says the Ark was slipped out of Jerusalem by 'the king's gate' during Hezekiah's reign in the midst of some siege. Where it was taken is anyone's guess. Ethiopia if you believe them. Click here to read that article.
Romans 14:1-23
Oh, shoot. The passing judgment passage. Another of my many, many faults. But Paul is so right. I have absolutely no right, as messed up as I am, to criticize someone else. Paul's method to cure this is to look for ways NOT to cause others to stumble. So, instead of criticizing, you would praise the good behavior. The original Pavlov?
Proverbs 20:12
I have changed my banner to this proverb. "Ears that hear and eyes that see -- the Lord has made them both."
When you are teaching Preschoolers, they tell you that if the kids don't have their eyes on you, they can't hear.
I believe both adages.
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