How old were you when you realized that there were 2 creation stories and that they didn’t match up? For me, I was in the 5th grade. You may have remembered that year, it was the year that Chariots of the Gods was released. My mother took Alfred, Debbie and me to see that movie and I was fascinated. Even more so when Mother casually mentioned that there was a BOOK that the movie was based on and nothing would do until she would take me to Aardmore Books which used to be in the Whole Foods Shopping center at Hammond and Roswell Roads to get that book.
I devoured that book and was desperate to talk to someone about it. Unfortunately, the person I chose was Belle DuPont, my Sunday School teacher who was 109 years old. There is one section that describes Ezekiel’s vision of a wheel of light in the sky as an alien spaceship and I wanted to know what she thought about that. (You have to know, I was a HUGE know-it-all as a child. I now really feel sorry for the vast majorities of my teachers who had to suffer through life as my teachers.) Mrs. DuPont pointed one skinny finger at me and said I was a HERETIC and to get out and never come back. So I did. Church was the same time as Sunday School and I just stayed in church with my dad.
I started looking everywhere in the Bible for traces of alien visitation. And I found some but I also discovered the 2 creation stories. Which led me to the creation stories of other religions and ancient civilizations. Like the giant turtle of Thailand or the sky warriors of Native Americans.
And eventually, that quieted all my angst about the two stories in our Bible. It sounded like family arguing over the ‘real’ story and since that is ever present in my life, I was totally at peace with people being created on the sixth day or having just the man being created near the beginning of creation with the woman showing up way late. Everyone just wants to know where they come from
Which is really appropriate to today’s Matthew reading that lists Jesus’ genealogy. Nothing I have ever read has Jesus spouting off that he is the son of so and so other than to shut his disciples up for saying he is the Son of God. But the people in Matthew’s congregation really needed Jesus to be somebody and somebody special as in the direct descendant of David even if it came through the daddy that really wasn’t his daddy.
And as a feminist, it pains me to read the 5 women listed in the genealogy. We have Tamar, who disguised herself as a prostitute to Judah to get pregnant –finally! after 3 unsuccessful marriages to his sons. We have Rahab, who I get is an Israelite heroine but she gave up her city. And she was a prostitute. Ruth, well, she is supposed to be some sort of virtuous but I think we just don’t know what that little saying, ‘lie down at his feet’, really means. Sort of like someone reading a transcript of my teens talking about ‘doing the wild thing’ which is their code for having sex. Don’t get me started on Bathsheba and her bathing. Didn’t she know other people could see her? Like the king? And Mary, poor sweet Mary. Just give in. I hope she did not know that Jesus was going to die like he did. Hard enough having to raise the Son of God. Better not to know about the death scene.
But in truth, it really doesn’t matter who your daddy or great-great-great granddaddy was. Or, even where you come from. What matters, like today’s Proverb is that you “acquire a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair”. That is what we are attempting this year. To discipline ourselves to reading scripture in the hopes of learning what God would have us do to lead a better life.